Working together for better medical care

MEDIACC is an independent research consultancy. We are experts in the field of medical studies and support manufacturers of medical devices in obtaining approval and reimbursement for their products.

We actively shape the future

Our mission at MEDIACC is to improve medical care through innovative technologies and solutions. We strive to provide patients with better and more accessible treatment options.

With our work, we want to contribute to making healthcare more effective, efficient and humane.

More than 4000

Patients participated in our digital studies


scientific congress contributions in the last 2 years

96 %

Scientific congress contributions in the last 2 years


Successful graduates

14 von 59

Our IT security is certified to a high standard

ISO 27001

Our IT security is certified to a high standard


Efficiency and excellence - the keys to success

At MEDIACC, we have built our success on a foundation of efficiency and excellence. We do not simply prioritize the needs and goals of our clients.

Rather, we aim to ensure reliable confidentiality through strong partnerships based on trust and responsibility for all parties involved - employees, customers, partners, patients.

With this in mind, we are committed to using state-of-the-art technologies that focus on people and fulfill these goals in the long term.

We complement your competencies!

Expect us to complement your competencies already where other service providers are still asking you questions. We are aware of the uniqueness of your products and work with you to develop complete solutions or customized work packages according to your needs.


Collaboration for medical solutions

We work closely with various partners and institutions to achieve evidence-based results and innovative solutions for our customers. In doing so, we bring together deep insights and expertise in medical, regulatory and natural science disciplines.

Our partners include renowned institutions such as Charité and the Berlin-Brandenburg Center for Regenerative Therapies (BCRT), as well as various other research institutions, regulatory consulting institutes, specialized law firms, and companies from academia, biotechnology, and medical device manufacturing.

When selecting digital service providers in particular, we rely on the highest standards and careful controls.

Our network enables us to efficiently coordinate complex tasks and find simple solutions so that our customers and patients can derive immediate benefits from our projects. We are committed to the highest quality standards and to working in partnership to improve the lives of others.

We thank our sponsors:

Competent medical training

We place great emphasis on training the next generation of physicians and researchers. Through high-quality medical teaching at one of the world's leading university medical institutions, we impart not only professional knowledge but also scientific techniques.

Our goal is to provide students with the skills necessary for their successful careers as clinical scientists.

Our experienced project leaders serve as mentors to talented PhD students through close supervision. We organize research academies for excellent students and PhD students during the summer months.

The focus of our teaching:

Stem cell therapy
Doctoral College
Internal medicine
Emergency Medicine
Scientific work

Experienced expert and practicing cardiologist

Die Gründerin und ärztliche Direktorin der MEDIACC, PD Dr. med. Caroline Schmidt-Lucke, greift auf mehr als 30 Jahre Erfahrung aus weit über 500 klinischen Studien in den verschiedensten Therapiegebieten und unterschiedlichen Regularien zurück.

Grundlage für die aktuellen Arbeiten bilden langjährige Erfahrung an universitären Einrichtungen als klinische Wissenschaftlerin mit dem Schwerpunkt Innere Medizin und Kardiologie, Beschäftigung mit aktuellen translationalen Fragestellungen, Initiierung von internationalen, multizentrischen klinischen Prüfungen, Einwerben von hochkompetitiven Forschungsgeldern sowie die Leitung von Plattformen.

Sie ist zertifiziert als Leitende Prüferin nach dem Arzneimittelgesetz (AMG), dem Medizinproduktegesetz (MPG) bzw. der MDR, der Gentechnik-Sicherheitsverordnung und dem tierexperimentellen Arbeiten.

PD Dr. med. Caroline Schmidt-Lucke ist bestens vertraut mit der Leitung von multidisziplinären Teams, mit dem erklärten Ziel, klinische Evaluationen, Studien oder Prüfungen für den Erfolg von bahnbrechenden Innovationen für den unbefriedigten medizinischen Bedarf zu konzipieren, zu entwerfen, durchzuführen und zu veröffentlichen.

Die Entwicklung und Umsetzung der digitalen klinischen Studieninfrastruktur ist die logische Konsequenz aus höchsten wissenschaftlichen Standards und ständiger Innovation.

Liste der Publikationen: ResearchGate

Get to know the team behind MEDIACC!

We are a highly competent team of experts who can meet the unique needs of our clients to generate evidence for innovative medical devices.