Case studies

Clinical case reports are considered one of the oldest forms of sharing and presenting medical knowledge. A clinical case report or case study is usually retrospective, i.e. backward in time, and based on observations from clinical practice. Clinical case reports lay the foundations for the medical literature as they present data that has not previously been shown.

One of the earliest known case studies dates back to ancient Egypt and describes a case of cancer. These reports were recorded on papyrus and offer insights into the medical practices and understanding of disease at the time.

Hippocrates and Galen, two of the most important physicians of antiquity, documented numerous case studies that laid the foundation for many modern medical practices. Their works contain detailed descriptions of diseases and their treatment.

There are two types of case studies:

Case reports are a type of descriptive study based on unique uncontrolled observations of patients.

Case series are generally small descriptive studies in which treatment outcomes of multiple patients are described. This type of study can describe characteristics or outcomes in a specialised group of people, but cannot compare them with people who are treated differently or have a different condition.

Examples and users

  • HIV/AIDS: The first case studies on the detection of HIV/AIDS were published in the early 1980s. These reports helped to improve understanding of the disease and advance the development of treatment strategies.
  • Trial implants for knee joints: case studies can document the effectiveness and safety of new implants.
  • Laser technology for product labelling: Users such as precise laser marking to ensure traceability and product safety are described in case studies.
  • Zika virus infection (2016): A case study described the effects of Zika virus infection on foetal development. These reports helped to raise awareness of the dangers of the virus and to develop preventive measures.
Case studies are therefore a valuable instrument for demonstrating and continuously improving the performance and benefits of medical devices.

If you have an interesting case or case series, please contact us so that we can support you.

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