What is a positive healthcare effect of a DiGA?
DiGA in focus: Improved patient care through digital health applications
The so-called positive healthcare effect of a DiGA means that patients using it should observe a positive effect.
A distinction is made between the medical benefit and the patient-relevant improvement of structure and processes.
Workload or economic indicators are not endpoints that can be selected.
Medical benefit should:
- be relevant to the patient,
- reduce the number of cases of illness or the symptoms and complications of illness (state of health, duration of illness),
- reduce mortality or
- improve the quality of life.
Patient-relevant improvements of structure and processes should show that:
- Treatment processes are better coordinated,
- treatments are better aligned with guidelines and recognised standards,
- the recommendations of doctors or therapists are better implemented,
- making it easier for people to receive medical care,
- patient safety is increased,
- health literacy and the ability to understand, find, evaluate and apply information in everyday life are improved,
- patient sovereignty is improved, i.e. the ability to shape one's own conditions in such a way that one's own health is established and being ill becomes manageable,
- illness-related difficulties in everyday life can be better managed or
- therapy-related expenses and burdens for patients and their relatives are reduced.
For this purpose, own data on the respective DiGA must be shown and that the use of the DiGA is more efficient compared to standard therapy. No data from the literature can be used for this proof.
The benefit should be to improve everyday and individual healthcare, involve patients in service provider processes and target their therapy contributions.
With DiGA, you can sustainably improve patient healthcare. MEDIACC is at your side to prove the positive healthcare effects of DiGA with good evidence. For more information or an initial non-binding discussion , please contact us at .
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